“…The Holy Spirit Will Come Upon You, And The Power Of The Most High Will Overshadow You….” (Luke 1:35)

Fr. Philip Scott

Fr. Philip Scott F.J. is the Founder of Family of Jesus, a community of priests, brothers and sisters who are praying to be healed and formed into a family by the Divine Family – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They pray to live out in a prophetic manner their baptismal calling to follow Jesus Christ and be His instruments of healing for families – both the individual domestic family, and also the broader family of the Church and society.

Dr. Judy Klein

Judy Landrieu Klein Bio

Dr. Judy Landrieu Klein is a “revert” to Catholicism, born and raised Catholic but agnostic by the end of college.  You won’t want to miss her powerful story of faith and return to the Catholic Church. You will find her testimony a powerful example of God’s mercy in the presence of suffering. Her late husband Bernie suffered a serious illness and a near death experience. He came back from the “dead” to tell her about it resulting in a profound impact on her spiritual life and growth in Jesus Christ. Her faith has sustained her through much tragedy, and she wants to share her living faith with others because she knows many others also experience great hardship in this life. She is Founder of Memorare Ministries which she founded to give others hope. Judy is an author, theologian and inspirational speaker who holds a License in Clinical Pastoral Counseling and works with her husband at My Father’s House Counseling Services in Louisiana.  Her books include Miracle Man, an Amazon Kindle Bestseller in Catholicism, and Mary’s Way: The Power of Entrusting Your Child to God. Judy’s growing family includes five children, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Conference Schedule

This is a tentative schedule and may change. See the brochure for more details
3:00 pm – Registration Opens

6:00 – 6:30 – Confessions

Session 1

6:00 – Conference Opens

Praise and Worship

6:30 –  Mass 

Eucharistic Procession w/ Exposition of Blessed Sacrament

Prayers for Baptism in the Spirit

Prayer Teams

             Adoration begins

Session 2

8:00 am – Registration Opens

9:00 am – Praise and Worship


 – Talk 1

 – Talk 1

11:30 am – Lunch break (leave all items to be blessed)

12:50 pm – Blessing of Articles

Session 3

1:00 pm – Announcements

Pick up Blessed Articles

 – Talk 2

 – Talk 2

4:30 pm – Dinner Break

Session 4

6:30 pm – Praise and Worship

 – Talk 3

Mass with Fr. Norbert Rappold

(followed immediately by)

Night of Worship & Healing Service with Fr.Norbert Rappold and Fr. Philip Scott

Prayer Teams

Session 5

9:00 am – Announcements & Praise & Worship

9:30 – – Talk 3

11:30 am – Mass with Bishop Anthony Taylor

Conference concludes after Mass

Conference closes following Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration will begin Friday evening and continue until 8:00 am Sunday.

Sign up will be available next to the registration table.


We strongly suggest going to confession prior to attending the conference, as confession may only be available on a limited basis at the conference.

Children’s Ministry

Ages 5 thru 12

Crafts, Games, Songs, and Fun

For more information, call (479) 635-2375

Conference Location & Hotel Reservations

This is a link to register at the Four Points Sheraton

Four Points Conference Registration

Four Points Sheraton

211 SE Walton Blvd
Bentonville, AR 72712

Four Point Sheraton

ACCC Conference Rate is $139/night*